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Cordatus Platform offers access to popular state-of-the-art Deep Learning and Machine Learning frameworks without the need for additional installations. It provides access to both NVIDIA NGC Containers and Cordatus Containers, all containerized and highly optimized for various use cases.

With Cordatus, you can quickly establish your own AI cloud, enabling seamless model training and development remotely within minutes, eliminating the challenges of dealing with dependency installations.


Training models on the NVIDIA Jetson platform may lead to overheating and damage the Jetson module. It is advisable to use NVIDIA RTX Workstations for model training to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential damage to the Jetson module.

Supported Environments

Cordatus currently supports following development environments:

  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • ONNX
  • TensorRT
  • Torchvision
  • Caffe
  • Chainer
  • CUDA
  • cuDNN
  • Dali
  • DLib
  • MXNet

Start an Environment

To start an environment, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Containers page from the left menu.
  2. Find your favorite environment and click List Environments button.
  3. Click the Details button below the version of you want to use.
    • Some environments have different versions for different hardware environments.
    • Specific distributions may be available, optimized for certain hardware configurations (e.g., L4T versions for NVIDIA Jetson devices).
  4. Click Start Environment on Your Device button. The New environment modal will appear.
  5. Select the device you want to start the environment on. The device must be connected to Cordatus.
  6. The GPU Isolation modal will appear. Choose the GPUs or compute units you want to connect to the environment, then proceed by clicking Continue for this modal and subsequently for the New environment modal.
    • If the device has multiple GPUs, you can isolate them at the environment level.
  7. The Select a Version tab will appear. Different environment options and dependency versions are available on the Select a Version modal. Select the most convenient one and click Continue.
  8. The Advanced Settings tab will appear.
    • (Optional) Environment Name: Give a name to your environment container. If not given, Cordatus will generate it.
    • (Optional) Attached Folders: Attach local folders to the environment container, e.g., dataset paths. To attach a folder, follow these steps:
      • Click the Add Folder Binding button.
      • Enter the path for your Source Folder and the destination for your Target Folder.
      • You can attach multiple folders.
    • (Optional) Jupyter Lab: Jupyter is a widely-used tool for AI development. You can make the most of the environments with Jupyter Lab. Cordatus automatically installs Jupyter and provides access. To launch Jupyter Lab with the environment, click the Start Jupyter Notebook button and enable it. If you don't initiate Jupyter Lab, you need to install and launch it manually.
      • Security Options: You have the option to secure Jupyter Lab with a token or password. You can set your preferred token or password for authentication.
  9. Click Start Environment. Cordatus will download the environment if it doesn't exist and then start it.
  10. Access Jupyter Lab by clicking the Jupyter Icon. Cordatus generates an ephemeral URL for browser access.