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Welcome to the Cordatus Troubleshooting Guide – your go-to resource for resolving common issues and optimizing your experience with our AI video analytics platform. This guide is designed to empower you with practical solutions, step-by-step instructions, and valuable insights into overcoming problems. Whether you're facing connection issues, data update concerns, or other problems, this guide is your roadmap to a seamless Cordatus experience.

If you encounter an issue without finding a solution here, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. Our support team is ready to assist you and ensure you unlock the full potential of Cordatus.

NuProblemPossible CauseSuggested Solution
1Some dependencies have not been installed" error during installationCertain required dependencies being missing or not installed properly, potentially caused by an internet connection problem.Ensure a stable internet connection and try rerunning the Cordatus installation command.
2"Missing Step - You may have skipped a step in the dokcer setup." errorLinux post-installation steps for Docker Engine are not completedComplete Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine
3"could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg" error during installationUbuntu OS installation is still in progress on your device in the background.Please wait for a while and try to install Cordatus again.
4Unable to view device metrics on the Client or Web AppJtop for Jetson Devices or htop for Desktops is not installedInstall Jtop/htop services for your device
5Clicking on Cordatus Client icon does not start Cordatus ClientFile and Folder Structure of Cordatus may be corruptedPlease re-install Cordatus Client as explained in the Installation Page
6Unable to view a physical camera connected to a device on the Web AppThe camera is not recognized by the platformRestart the Stream Engine. Navigate to the Engines Tab in settings on the Client and restart the Stream Engine.
7"Could not Checked Storage" error while starting a jobGPU drivers may not be installed properlyRun nvidia-smi to ensure that your GPU drivers are installed properly. If not, install the proper drivers for your GPU.
8Job Status is stuck in "Warming Up" for more than 4 minutesCordatus cannot start the inference engine properlyPlease restart the inference engine on the Engines Tab in the settings in the Client and re-run your job.
9Job Status is stuck in "Preparing Engine"Cordatus cannot connect to Cordatus serversPlease make sure that you have a stable internet connection for your browser and your device, and re-run your job.